EPIC FAIL 3 – MPs and their constituents

Given that this is the last day of life, if you call that living, of the e-petition in support of grouse shooting (currently standing at 25,320 signatures), it is interesting to look back to the debate in parliament and the MPs who spoke or intervened in that debate. Here are two lists of MPs, a…

EPIC FAIL 2 – those townies

The pro-grouse-shooting petition which closes at midnight tonight (it is being put out of its misery) has gathered some of its ‘greatest support’, not in the countryside but, in central London (see above, and here is the link). One in 60 of their signatures comes from a single constituency, Chelsea and Fulham, and one in…

Mountaineers losing their grip

When mountaineers lose their grip on reality they are in for a hard fall. Errr – we cut down the forests a few centuries before you were born lads. What’s natural about this?  


  Grouse shooting is supposed to be popular – well not according to this perfectly fair comparison of support for grouse shooting compared with its radical, extreme and outrageous alternative of banning driven grouse shooting. Today is the last day of the e-petition set up as a rival to our own.  If it receives 98,000…

Delivery by DPD

  Sometimes there are interesting things on one’s doorstep. I was taking a stroll to the postbox the other day when a flock of c25 Pied Wagtails flew over calling. It was nearly dusk and so I assumed that they were heading off to roost somewhere.  I spent some time in the autumn searching unsuccessfully…