Countryside Alliance nervous about evidence review?

As pointed out yesterday, NRW are looking at the role of shooting on our land, public land, in Wales. The Countryside Alliance is asking its members to wade in with their views – which is a perfectly reasonable thing for them to do.  And it’s perfectly reasonable for you to send in your views too….

Misguided meddlers

Therese Coffey was handed a hospital pass when Rory Stewart zipped off to another department leaving her holding the Hen Harrier Recovery Farce. A key, and totally ridiculous, element of the plan was to take away young Hen Harriers from grouse moors, raise them expensively in captivity, and then release them again on grouse moors…

Natural England – let’s be fair

I’m told that I should read the 18 January issue of Country Life for a more positive insight into the Chair of Natural England’s views (by one of his loyal staff). Well I’m keen to have a look but it may take some time as Country Life doesn’t squeeze through my letterbox on a regular…

Shooting in Wales

Natural Resources Wales is reviewing the use of firearms on its (your) land. Lead ammunition? Woodcock, Snipe and Golden Plover? Why are there Pheasant shoots on NRW land?   Ceri Davies, NRW’s Director of Evidence, Policy and Permitting said: ‘We want to make the most of the land we manage for the people, economy and…