Bird flu update

Two new confirmed cases of H5N8 bird flu in wild birds: a Buzzard in Somerset and a Canada Goose in Dorset. No new cases affecting domestic or commercial stock. In France, the country whose farmers have been hardest hit by bird flu, the mass cull of farmed ducks is beginning to come to an end…

Guest blog – Wildlife crime in Nepal by Peter Cosgrove

Peter Cosgrove carried out the first national pearl mussel survey and in one of those wonderful moments of happenstance, submitted his final report which recommended full legal protection during a periodic review of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.  It had the desired effect and the law was changed in 1998 and Peter always highlights this…

A message from Åsa; a message from Sweden

Dear Mark, First I would like to thank you for your beautiful and sad  book about the passenger pigeon.  I came across it by chance as I looked into a bookshop´s window in Amsterdam. There it was, a small, red book with the word passenger pigeon written across it. I went in and bought it….

Guest blogs 2

  If you have been directed to this page then it’s probably because you have sent me an unsolicited email offering me a Guest Blog of the following general type:   I have some great topics for your site Hello , I’m [insert name] and I just wanted to say that your blog, looks great…