Oscar Dewhurst – Stonechat

This was one of the last photos I took in 2016. Having just finished my first term of my final year at university, I was keen to get out and do some photography so spent a couple of early mornings at Richmond Park before the end of 2016. On one of these mornings I spotted…

Sunday book review – A Tree Miscellany by Ian Parsons

This is a small book (88 pages) of interesting facts about trees written by Ian Parsons, an occasional Guest Blogger here. They are the sort of facts that you can use to amaze your friends with your knowledge. That’s what I shall be doing anyway. Do you know what is the oldest tree in the…

Tim Melling – Condor

This is another species I have wanted to see since watching the BBC series “Flight of the Condor” way back in 1982.  Their size is absolutely amazing with a 3m wingspan (10 feet 10 inches is the biggest recorded), yet they don’t look that big in flight against the backdrop of the Andes.  In springtime…

Unique and irreplaceable

Kempton Park racecourse is under threat and I’ve heard and read a lot about it in the last couple of days.  I’m interested in Kempton racecourse as an example of a proposed development but also a little bit as a racecourse.  Here is some of the coverage – mostly from horse racing sources to illustrate…