Red Kites – poisoned deliberately and accidentally

I see Red Kites almost every day – in fact, I think I’ll actually make a note of when I see them next year to see how true that is.  They are certainly back in the skies of east Northants after the reintroductions which started in the 1980s. However, in a scientific paper published in…

Puffarazzi find clues to Puffin decline

Photographs of Puffins taken around the UK  by members of the public (the Puffarazzi) are helping uncover the reasons for this bird’s decline says the RSPB. The RSPB analysed over 1400 images taken at Puffin colonies and early results suggest that the diet of Puffins varies significantly around the UK – in the northern isles…

The first eight weeks

Gavin Gamble’s e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting keeps making significant progress. Highlights: Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey approaches 100 signatures – next week? The number of constituencies with 50+ signatures has jumped from 18 to 26 in the last week. Foyle and Barking remain the only two UK constituencies without a single signature Here…

Blue Planet 2 – programme 5

The most recent ‘Green Seas’ programme was good. You can’t go wrong with magnificent feeding Humpback Whales, cute Sea Otters, clever Octopuses, intriguing sea pens, gangs of moulting crabs and the weirdest and cutest of Weedy Seadragons.   What did you think?