If only…

David Mitchell, or David Mitchell Coren as we might call him, wrote an excellent column on telling the truth yesterday. One of his points, with which I agree, is that the good guys need to be squeaky-clean in this so-called post-truth age. We will only live in a post-truth age if we allow truth to…

Letter to my MP

Dear Mr Pursglove   May I please wish you a happy new year? As you may remember, you and I differ on our views on Brexit – I am still in a slightly depressed mood because of the result of the referendum.  However, I have spotted a silver lining and I thought I would write…

Hen Harrier InAction Plan

Sometimes something is so awful that you just hope it will go away – and that’s how I feel about the Defra Hen Harrier InAction Plan which fails to address the real problem for the Hen Harrier – that it is illegally killed by grouse shooting interests because it eats Red Grouse that they would…

Oscar Dewhurst – Kestrel

On my first photography outing of 2017 I saw this female kestrel take shelter in this hole from a jackdaw that was mobbing it. It was about 150m from me, but as I have very few (in fact, I think only 1!) images of them I decided to see whether I could get close enough…

Bird flu case was at Slimbridge

I speculated yesterday that avian flu cases involving White-fronted Goose and other species in Gloucestershire might well have been at the WWT nature reserve at Slimbridge and I’m grateful to WWT for confirming that this is the case.  If I had lived locally to Slimbridge I might actually have seen them talking about the case…