Please support Chris Packham’s e-petition

Chris Packham’s e-petition calling for a pause in killing of rapidly declining wader species is cantering along again.  Before Christmas it passed 17,000 signatures and yesterday it passed both 18,000 and 19,000 signatures. If you haven’t yet signed then maybe your signature will help move it past 20,000 signatures today. Please sign here. And then…

Last and first

The last species of bird I saw in 2016 was Wigeon (although I heard a Coot call a bit later). I was ultimately glad that I went out for a walk instead of sitting in front of a rather dull TV and a rather sparkling log fire – getting out is always worth it even…

This blog in 2017

What does this blog have in store for 2017? an important part of Brexit discussions will be how and whether public money continues to be handed out to land managers – it’s our money and the public deserves a better return for its massive investment the best wildlife sites, on land and at sea, need…