Wild food (20) – Minke Whale by Ian Carter

I’ve had this argument a few times and I always seem to end up on the losing side. In starting to write this I have a sense, already, that I’m not going to influence many people. It’s such a contentious subject that the merits of logic and common sense seem not to apply in the…

Behind More Binoculars

Keith Betton and I were interviewed about our new book for a blog on the NHBS website. And there is a short review of the book by John Miles in BBC Wildlife magazine.          

What will the RSPB do?

  Now that there is an e-petition asking governments to introduce licensing of grouse shooting, which they could do as part of all shooting or just for grouse shooting I guess, the RSPB and others need to think about whether they will promote this matter to their memberships. I think they should but I’m guessing…

20,000 signatures, 10,563 ahead and the third way

This morning, Gavin Gamble’s e-petition passed a big milestone – it reached 20,000 signatures.  Well done Gavin and let’s hope that the e-petition continues to make very significant progress – I think it will. But there’s no getting away from the fact that the rival e-petition, the Griggs e-petition, had a very good week and…