Other blogs (4)

In this occasional series of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye: Alan Stewart, Wildlife Detective: Does shooting benefit rural areas? Dara McAnulty, Young Fermanagh Naturalist: Birdfair with Birders Against Wildlife Crime Ruth Tingay, Raptor Persecution UK: A shedload of Golden Eagles tagged in new RPUK/Chris…

Sunday book review – Flight Lines by Mike Toms

For me, this book is almost a perfect 10 – let’s give it a 9.6. I was handed this book by its author at the Bird Fair at the weekend and, after saying thank you, said I’d put it on the pile of books to review. But having unwrapped it from its cellophane I dipped…

Tim Melling – Nightjar

  Tim writes:  Most people think of Nightjar as a bird of lowland heaths but this one was high in the Pennines at well over 1000 feet above sea level in Yorkshire.  The second half of May is my usual time for Nightjars but ill-health meant I wasn’t fit enough this year.  So I went…