It’s been a really bad few days for the grouse shooters (4)

This video of tweed-clad armed men repeatedly visiting a Marsh Harrier nest on a Yorkshire moor, released by the RSPB last week, is being investigated by the police. Let’s hope it is seen many more times than the 5000 so far – the RSPB needs to promote these hard-won pieces of evidence much more forcefully….

It’s been a really bad few days for the grouse shooters (3)

I know I mention Twitter a lot here, and some readers are completely familiar with it and others completely bemused.  This little post will sort out which side of that divide you are on! BASC, the Bullying Aggressive Shooting Community (or something like that), suggested to their followers that they should take a selfie (photograph…

It’s been a really bad few days for the grouse shooters (2)

‘Encouraging a response from those who defend the status quo is important too. A victory is scored when your opponents are forced to debate issues they would rather leave ignored…‘ from Owen Jones, The Establishment. Well, there’s been a lot of that going on recently: Grouse shooting: half a million reasons why time’s up for…

It’s been a really bad few days for the grouse shooters (1)

It’s been a really bad few days for the grouse shooters – some of the wounds have been entirely self-inflicted and others have been because they don’t have much defence against the truth or the masses of the people. Let’s start with Findlay Wilde, now luxuriating on holiday somewhere near a mistnet in Portugal.  His…

Tim Melling – Barred Grass Snake

  Tim writes: I’m sure that many of you will have seen the surprising news announced recently that Britain has a new species of snake; Barred Grass Snake (Natrix helvetica).  Without exception, every media source announced that this was an additional species for Britain, bringing the total to four (Barred Grass Snake, Grass Snake, Smooth…