Flowers we can pick (7) – Red Campion

Plantlife, the charity which speaks up for the nation’s plants, says that it’s OK to pick these 12 common flowers (provided you don’t go beserk in the woods and fields of the UK).

Three things you might not know about Red Campion according to Plantlife.

Another alternative name from the Wildlife Trusts probably relates to an apparent use of its crushed seeds according to Wikipedia.




S. Rae [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

5 Replies to “Flowers we can pick (7) – Red Campion”

    1. I have a fuchsia bush in my garden which provides a great place to observe this behaviour. A very high proportion of the flowers currently on the bush have a small hole chewed into the nectary at the base of the flower where a bee has short-circuited the ‘official’ route to the nectar. If you watch for a while you can catch them doing it. I believe in its native range this is a humming-bird pollinated species.

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