Worth a small celebration #justice4henharriers

We have been given leave by the Hon Mrs Justice Lambert DBE to take our judicial review to court.


We’ll soon find out what the date is, but it won’t be before October, it might not be before Christmas, but an autumn day in court is most likely.

It appears that the RSPB will be in court arguing a simlar case on the same day.

That’s another hurdle cleared.  Bring it on!


12 Replies to “Worth a small celebration #justice4henharriers”

  1. A small step in the right direction indeed. Am I right in thinking that now a review has been granted that brood meddling will now be suspended until its completion? Although there are currently of course no broods to meddle with it being too late in the year.
    In fact despite the “plan” harriers have as yet to be meddled with as strangely there have been almost none on grouse moors where meddling would be viewed favourably. To me at least this is an indication that the plan may already be failing and of course we still have birds disappearing or dying in circumstances strongly suggestive of persecution. Yet BM is the safety net that the grouse botherers said would negate the need for persecution, perhaps the government/NE should have treated this claim with a scepticism born of experience but then hope springs eternal even amongst fools.
    It will be most interesting to see what the view comes up with both in terms of ” their” evidence and of course the result.

  2. Congratulations Mark. I’ll be raising a glass or two over lunch today ‘A Toast’ to our Harriers.

  3. Very well done Mark – life’s a marathon not a sprint and you’ve proven to be a top quality long distance runner.

  4. According to the dislikes there are at least three people who don’t believe in the rule of law. Strange, since the shooting fraternity have been happy to use the law to their own ends when it suits. Why am I not surprised!

  5. Though there’s a hell of a long way to go.This truly is a Milestone ,I and many many others thank you and all who have helped you Mark,regards Brian Leecy

  6. Reading between the lines of an article in the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of Peregrine, the HOT seems to be beginning to realize that ‘brood management (meddling) is not the answer. Talk of it only being a trial and unlikely to be instigated because of the low densities of breeding Hen Harriers and the Trust ‘having a long and distinguished history of adapting to changing circumstances’, changes in the current situation and doing what it believes is in the Hen Harriers best interest. I wonder, Mark, has your action caused the penny to drop and is bringing about a change of mind.

    1. Bill – thanks. I guess that many HOT members were shocked at the position the organisation took. I had joined HOT a while before – and resigned on this issue. Chris Packham had had a very close relationship with HOT – and resigned as President. There will be plenty of others. The reception of HOT at the Bird Fair is decidedly cool these days too.

      Added to which – brood meddling is a daft idea. Our judicial review will seek to establish that it is an illegal daft idea not just a daft idea.

  7. Brilliant. Well done Mark. Just by the way, we spent time today watching hen harriers being hen harriers on the causse in France. A wonderful experience putting all the stupid nonsense in England in perspective.

  8. Congratulations to you Mark and to all involved. As others have said, a milestone in a marathon but stamina and critical mass will win the day.

    We must all maintain the pressure by keeping the issue live and in full public view. #SpreadTheWord #WeWantWildlife

    Hen Harrier Day is such an opportunity and is a celebration of community determination, so too the Bird Fair

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