This book by an ecologist and keen angler, is a series of short essays about life by, on and in the river through the year. It focuses on riverine processes and ecology, and flows very well.
Each of the 60 short essays, five for each month, also has an illustration from the author. And he correctly starts the year in Spring, in April, and comes full circle to March to end.
How long do fish live? How does wildlife cope when the river is in spate? What is a floodplain? What is the inside story of water meadows? You’ll get a better grip on all these subjects and more, and read some interesting observations of riverside wildlife in these pages.
It’s a book to pick up, flick through, read a few pages and put down again rather than read from cover to cover, but you will want to pick it up again quite quickly and you’ll find you’ve read a lot of it quite rapidly if you are anything like me.
Riverwatch: the waterside diaries of a naturalist angler by Prof Mark Everard is published by Hobnob Press.
Remarkable Birds by Mark Avery is published by Thames and Hudson – for reviews see here.
Inglorious: conflict in the uplands by Mark Avery is published by Bloomsbury – for reviews see here.