This is a book about rediscovering, and reconnecting with, nature, as an adult. The preface sets the book up well and establishes the engaging tone. The author rediscovers all sorts of wildlife but bees are the co-stars of this account.
I know Brigit a little, and this book is just what I expected: enthusiastic and charming. It is a book which smiles out at you from its pages.
I learned lots about bees without ever really feeling that I could get as keen on them as the author clearly is. But I’m really glad that she is – the book does a very good job of informing the likes of me about bees and also drawing the reader into many issues that affect bees and other wildlife too.
The text is definitely not lightweight but the writer has a deft conversational style which imparts much information in a gentle way. I learned a lot and enjoyed the book very much.
A word for the publisher: I liked the fact that the editor, copy editor, proof reader, indexer and designer, as well as illustrator John Walters are all named and I also liked the information about the sustainability credentials of this publication. Nice touches all of them.
Dancing with Bees: a journey back to nature by Brigit Strawbridge Howard is published (on 30 August) by Chelsea Green.
Inglorious: conflict in the uplands by Mark Avery is published by Bloomsbury – for reviews see here.
Remarkable Birds by Mark Avery is published by Thames and Hudson – for reviews see here.
“A word for the publisher”
In many cases, judging by the stream of polite invective emanating from the next room in Cobb Towers, the editor, copy editor and proof reader have constructed a book from notes supplied by an “author”.