Sunday book review – Birds of Louth by John Clarkson and Phil Espin

This is the second edition of the 2007 title. The poignant thing about this book is that the senior author, John Clarkson, passed away in 2023 and this edition thus stands as memorial to him as well as a fine book about one part of one English county.

I used to think that Lincolnshire was an annoying county that simply got in the way when going somewhere more interesting but I have come to a more reasonable view over the years. It’s a cracking county for birds, for birders and for bird books as the Birds of Lincolnshire (2021) proves (see my review here). The two authors of this book were two of four authors of the Birds of Lincolnshire.

Louth is south of Grimsby and west of Mablethorpe – it’s not a big place, it’s not a famous place but 195 bird species have been seen its environs which isn’t at all to be sniffed at.

There are lots of good photographs of birds – many of them are by John Clarkson.

I’ve enjoyed seeing this book, but I don’t feel I need it on my bookshelves – but maybe you do. If so, then email me a bid above £15 and the highest bid received by midnight on 31 August secures the book, and I’ll send anything over £3 P&P to Brain Tumour Research.

The Birds of Louth by John Clarkson and Phil Espin is published by the Lincolnshire Bird Club.


1 Reply to “Sunday book review – Birds of Louth by John Clarkson and Phil Espin”

  1. Thank you for bringing our book to the attention of a wider audience Mark. It’s much appreciated knowing how busy you have been over the last couple of months. We printed 500 and have around 150 left. For those unsuccessful in your auction the book can be purchased online at Price £12 + £3 post and packaging. All proceeds to Brain Tumour Research.

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