Sunday book review – Enjoying Birdwatching in Lancashire and Cumbria by David Hindle

I wrote the foreword for this book (the author must have caught me on a good day) but it was published last year so I have been rather dilatory in giving it the little breath of publicity here that it most certainly deserves.

The title is self-explanatory but few vaguely similar regional books use the word ‘enjoying’. The author’s text does get across the sense of enjoyment he feels for these sites, their birds but also their other wildlife, scenery and history. It is a more rounded book than most and I liked it for that. I also liked it, as the cracking foreword says, because the book tells you where to get a cup of tea and where to have a pee afterwards. These subjects are sadly neglected in many books.

If I were moving to this part of the world I’d be very grateful to the author for providing me with a long list of sites, well-explained sites, which I could visit. As I don’t think I will be moving to the northwest I can still enjoy the accounts of these places, especially the cultural and historical references. And the book is worth getting for the foreword alone…

The cover? Maybe a bit unimaginative? I’d give it 6/10.

Enjoying birds in Lancashire and Cumbria by David Hindle is published by Morton’s Books.


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