Golden Eagles on a weak thermal

There ought to be a lot more Golden Eagles in the UK and the results of the most recent survey (2015) show that there are more than in 2003 so that’s good news.  There are 508 pairs of Golden Eagles in Scotland which represents an increase of 15% which isn’t bad at all and is…

Debate rules

I have heard from both the Chair of the Petitions Committee, Helen Jones MP, and Steve Double MP who both confirm that the MP leading a Westminster Hall debate on an e-petition is under no obligation to say anything positive about the e-petition at all, nor even to be neutral. I am grateful to them…

Good morning America, how are you?

Those Americans who went to bed at a normal time may well be waking up around now to discover who is their new President-elect – the Trump. I woke at 05:30 UK time,  about 00:30 East Coast time, to discover that my hopes for the USA had been dashed by Americans. I wasn’t pleased, but…

A Waxwing year?

Is it going to be one of those occasional winters when Waxwings delight us with their presence along the east coast of Britain, across much of Scotland and maybe even into some central and western areas? There have been quite a lot seen, although I haven’t heard of any really massive flocks. But when there…

Dear Mr Double

Dear Mr Double I am writing as the petitioner of the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting which was debated in Westminster Hall last week. As a member of the Petitions Committee you were given the job of leading the debate. I need to tell you that your behaviour was unacceptable. I write to put…