Just saying again…

See Inglorious (pp 233-235) and Fighting for Birds (pp 196-203). You could write to your MP about the debate on driven grouse shooting today (see here).

Gems from the written evidence 4 – Michael Whitehouse

Here are a couple of extracts from the written evidence submitted by Michael Whitehouse.   ‘I have lived in Yorkshire for over 43 years during which time I very regularly walk in the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors and less so in the Peak District and the Lake District. I am a keen…

Just saying…

Jeremy Deller’s massive mural (and Mandy). See Inglorious (pp 233-235) and Fighting for Birds (pp 196-203). Nine years. You could write to your MP about the debate on driven grouse shooting today (see here).    

Oscar Dewhurst – Andean Cock of the Rock

Oscar writes: Andean Cock-of-the-Rock: At the end of our time in Peru, we spent a few days in the rainforest, including one night at Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge, so named due to the presence of a lekking area for these birds just a short walk from the lodge. 4pm on the day we arrived saw us assemble…

Gems from the written evidence 3 – David Gosney

I’m not sure I have ever met David Gosney but his is a well-known name in birding circles so his name caught my eye in the list of written evidence submissions. ‘Parts of the Peak District used to be nationally famous for their populations of birds of prey but now those same areas have scandalously…