I’d like to thank Duncan Thomas…

The days of 13-15 May 2014 were very important in the genesis of our campaign to ban driven grouse shooting – you may recall that the first of three e-petitions was launched just two weeks later and that started the whole thing rolling. I wrote about those days in short summary in this blog (see…

Hen Harrier missing over…guess what?…a grouse moor

The RSPB announced today that a young male Hen Harrier, fitted with a satellite transmitter as part of the Hen Harrier LIFE+ Project, has gone missing on a grouse moor in the Monadhliath Mountains, south-east of Inverness. The bird, named Elwood, was the only chick to fledge from a nest in Banffshire, which was being…

Writing to your MP – Firm Briefing 1

Here are some words you could use to write to your MP about a hoped-for debate on driven grouse shooting. This link will help you find your MP and their email address or postal address, provided you know their name or the name of the constituency in which you live.  You should only write to…

Fizz! Cheers M&S!!

Well, sometimes you need to celebrate, don’t you. And although I would normally go up market from this I did want to spend my money with M&S to mark their sensible change of mind over selling grouse meat in their stores this year. Although M&S do sell champagne in their stores, my local outlet doesn’t…

Letter to my MP

Dear Mr Pursglove Do you remember that e-petition on the parliament website which I have mentioned before? My e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting? Well, it has recently passed 100,000 signatures (with five weeks to go) and so it will be considered by the Petitions Committee on 6 September and is very likely to be…