Lead duck paper now free to view

Remember that science showing a link between ingested lead levels and population level impacts in wildfowl that Defra knew about but which Liz Truss ignored in her response to the Lead Ammunition Group report?  If not see Truss misleads over waterfowl science 14 July, The  science about which Truss misled us 20 July and Truss…

Over 109,000

The scores have changed quite a lot since the last update! We are over 109,000 signatures – and our e-petition closes at midnight in five weeks’ time! We expect that the Petitions Committee will consider our petition at a meeting on 6 September, and are very hopeful that we will be given a debate. We…

Countryfile last night

I didn’t watch Countryfile live last night as I was doing some work – but I caught up with it in the evening.  I thought Bob Elliot from the RSPB was great (as always) and I also thought that the edit was fair. It was filmed on 28 July at Geltsdale in Cumbria (and the…

Words are important

Just a minor quibble. I did several radio interviews last week and I noticed that I kept being introduced with the same words – later I discovered that they came, basically from this BBC news story by Claire Marshall. The introduction on a series of BBC local radio stations often started by saying that animal…

A strange thing happened last night

I know many of you have spent months refreshing your browsers to check on the progress of our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting.  So have I. We can all do it a little less often now as we have crossed the magic 100,000 signature barrier which should deliver us a debate in the Westminster…