Leaflets – update.

I’m very grateful to all those who have offered to deliver leaflets promoting the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting. You are a wonderful bunch! Demand for leaflets has exceeded supply (and funds) and so for now if you haven’t heard that you are getting some leaflets then you are on the waiting list. Over…

64,000 and 65,000

64,000 signatures and 65,000 signatures – we have momentum! Because 154 by 20 September is an important number for us (the average constituency must get 154 signatures by 20 September if we are to hit 100,000), I am showing you how many have already crossed that line with almost eight weeks still to go. Here…

Hedge news

Although we are rarely going to agree on things (although we do agree on Fineshade Wood) I cannot help myself being impressed by the energy of my young, new and shiny MP, Mr Pursglove. This morning I received a letter in the post replying to my email to him of just yesterday!  Mr Pursglove says…