Young and green

The little bit of work I was doing at Womad was being a mentor to a young environmentalist – one Josh Gard. I’ll come back to Josh in a minute (but he’s the one smiling in the photo above).  The event was run by Ecotricity (who supply my electricity and gas – they appear to…

Henry goes to Womad and more

Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday and this morning were spent at WOMAD in Wiltshire – I was doing some (very little) work there (about which, more tomorrow), but with Henry the Hen Harrier and some other friends several thousand leaflets were handed out plugging the e-petition. WOMAD was great! And we chatted to some great people…


On Thursday last week, it now seems like a long time ago, I drove to the RSPB nature reserve at Geltsdale where one of only three English pairs of Hen Harriers is nesting this year. My chat with Andrew Gilruth (GWCT) and Charlotte Smith (presenter), and presumably our waving of our hands at midges and…

Oscar Dewhurst – Great Spotted Woodpecker

Oscar writes: while sitting in the cafe at Minsmere I saw 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker chicks in the trees outside, by the feeders. I crept outside so as not to flush them, and was able to photograph this one perched low down on the trunk of an oak tree. Nikon D800, Nikon 400mm f/2.8 VR…