Well done RSPB!

Today the RSPB has withdrawn its support from the Defra Hen Harrier Plan. Well done them! Martin Harper explains in his blog that the voluntary approach (to abiding by the law!) has failed. Essentially the RSPB is saying that they do not trust the grouse shooters and have no confidence that the words they speak…

The latest Packham video on driven grouse shooting

This is the latest in the series of videos by Chris Packham asking people to sign the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting.  This short video discusses the damage to ecosystem services done by all that burning and draining of our hills just so that a few people can shoot Red Grouse for fun.  …

Oscar Dewhurst – Stoat

  Oscar writes:  I spent many hours trying to photograph Stoats while I was up in Suffolk. On this afternoon they were crossing a grass path about 3m wide, so I needed quick reactions to be able to get any images. This was the only photo was an animal in it before it had shot…

Writing competition – your judging panel

If you are of any age and submit a 400-1200 word article in one of the four categories below (and in addition, if you are under 18 years of age and submit an article on any aspect of wildlife) then you may win a signed copy of my latest book Remarkable Birds – out in…