West Pennine Moors

From what I hear and read, there is little movement on the notification of the West Pennine Moors as an SSSI (see previous blog). Natural England say that: We are here to secure a healthy natural environment for people to enjoy, where wildlife is protected and England’s traditional landscapes are safeguarded for future generations. So,…

UK fails to provide citizens with access to environmental rights

Voluntary organisations are calling for the rules on legal costs in environmental judicial review across the UK to be changed so that people are not prevented from challenging developments that are damaging to the environment. Sounds dull? Well, maybe it does but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Take the case at Fineshade Wood, if the planning authority…

What’s that noise Henry?

Did you hear a loud bang Henry? Maybe it was a gas gun? You need to read this on Raptor Persecution Scotland.     #HaveYouSeenHenry?   Keep in touch with Hen Harrier Day events through this website.

Natural England says something, again, about Hen Harriers

In a statement on the parlous GOV.UK website, Natural England commented on the loss of a fifth male Hen Harrier from an English nest this summer. Rob Cooke, Natural England’s Director of Terrestrial Biodiversity said: The sudden loss of so many birds is of great concern and something that England’s fragile breeding hen harrier population…

The media coverage of the Hen Harrier today

As predicted in my morning blog, the plight of the Hen Harrier has been given plenty of publicity in the coverage of the results of the national bird vote (won by the Robin).  These are two examples that were easy to find – there will be others, no doubt. The Guardian quotes David Lindo and…