This is a book for everyone, as Mute Swans, the main character in this book, are one of the few species that most people can identify because they are large, tame, white and common. We all know things about swans – they can break your arm just by looking at you (or at least flapping…
Author: Mark
Sunday book review – Land Healer by Jake Fiennes
This is a very fine book which will, deservedly, be in many lists of ‘books of the year’ for 2022, including in my own. For it deals with important issues and it is very well written. Also, it is in many ways based on three legs, appropriately enough for an ex-gamekeeper, of knowing much…
Press release – Internationally protected Coul Links once again under threat from golf course
Conservation Coalition concerned by new plans that would damage nature A coalition of seven environmental organisations has expressed concern over new plans for a golf course at Coul Links in East Sutherland. In June 2022, a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) was submitted to The Highland Council, by developer C4C. This notice lets the…
NEWS – Hen Harriers with Bird Flu on the moors
The impact of bird flu on wild birds is seen to be growing, even though the governments across the UK are proving to be pretty useless in having a view on this important conservation issue. Much of the impact this summer has been seen in seabird colonies such as gannetries and tern colonies (eg see…
Latest BBS report from BTO/JNCC/RSPB
The latest excellent BBS (and WBBS) report arrived through my letterbox last week. It’s a concise and beautiful report which is a model of comprehensible summary of somewhat complex data. If you want to know how a wide variety of commoner and widespread birds are faring in the UK, and often in individual nations or…