This week

No book review this week as I have been writing a book more than reading a book, although I am confident of publishing at least one book review next Sunday. In other news: I saw my first Gatekeeper of the year but butterfly numbers are very low this year I saw my second Hen Harrier…

Sunday book review – Ecology and Natural History by David Wilkinson

This is a very interesting read. It is an exploration and an explanation of ecological principles illustrated by UK natural history, much of it through strolls through particular parts of our farmland, forests and uplands. This approach works well, and it is a different type of New Naturalist from most recent additions to this venerable…

Football’s coming – to a glorious finale on Sunday evening?

My week: I’ve had a busy week this week but an enjoyable one. It’s been one of those weeks where several things have all demanded my time: Wild Justice discussions with lawyers, accountants, donors and each other; World Land Trust papers for the next trustee meeting; the first visit of our five-month-old grandson to our…

Sunday book review – Moorland Matters by Ian Coghill

I enjoyed reading this book very much. It immediately gets into my list of books of the year although I’d be surprised if it gets to the top of that shortlist, but you never know. I enjoyed it for three main reasons. First, it is a good read, clearly expressed and argued with some passion…

Wild Justice, the Shooting Times, the general licences and DEFRA.

The Shooting Times published an article in February where a regular columnist wrote about going out one day in January and shooting 10 species in a day – the ‘Perfect Ten’. Wild Justice reported this activity to DEFRA (see this Wild Justice blog) and have updated the situation (see this Wild Justice blog) with the…