Sunday book review – Women on Nature edited by Katharine Norbury
Anthologies are always worth a look because, at the very least, you can rely on the compiler to have done a lot of work in sifting and selecting and, yes, discarding, to arrive at their final selection. And this is quite a tome with 400+ pages of selections and another 50+ pages of notes and…
Skydancer Day – tomorrow 10:15
Hen Harrier Action have set up a Skydancer event – a spring event ahead of Hen Harrier Day in early August. Of course, it’s online. It starts tomorrow morning at 10:15 and will end around midday – for details, click here.
BBS 2021
Last weekend, the May Bank Holiday weekend, it was back to normal and I made my first visits to ‘my’ two BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey squares in the Northants countryside. Let’s call the two sites BBS1 and BBS2. Actually, when I say back to normal, there is no such thing as a normal Spring as…
And the votes are in…some of them
I now live in the North Northants unitary authority – don’t you love our logo of a massive pair of binoculars on a hill and a Red Kite too? I do! I used to live in the district council area of East Northants within the county council area of Northamptonshire but the district councils have…