Ralph Underhill Saturday cartoons – first and last

Ralph writes: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has followed my cartoons over the years, even the person who presses the dislike button every single week without fail! It has been a great opportunity and I am incredibly grateful to Mark for giving me a platform to try and hone my…

This blog (4) – the photographers

Peter Cairns: has had plenty opf his images used on this blog in a guest blog, in other people’s press releases, in news about SCOTLAND: the Big Picture but also this image of a damaged landscape which I have used many, many times. Thank you Peter. Oscar Dewhurst: Oscar Dewhurst was 18 when he started…

This blog (3) – the cartoons

Over the last decade this blog has featured the work of many artists who could be regarded as cartoonists. Ralph Underhill: Ralph has contributed hundreds of cartoons for a regular Saturday morning slot – his last offering, and some words from him, will appear on this blog tomorrow morning. But here are a few to…


This is one of those familiar x-rays of a shot raptor – see the pellets? I’m not at my best when identifying dead birds from x-rays but this is apparently a Red Kite. And Gloucestershire police would like anyone with information to step forward… I noticed that someone commented on this subject that they wouldn’t…

Fantastic Mr Fox’s wood and Natural England

Following Dominic Woodfield’s guest blog here last week, a High Court challenge has been issued over HS2’s felling of parts of Jones Hill Wood under licence from our very own statutory, ahem, nature conservation agency. This reminds me of nothing so much as : It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government…