GWCT burningbloggate

For a spin doctor, Andrew Gilruth has led the GWCT into a terrible place. This is an organisation that claims it is great at science – it used to be, but its best days are long gone. But if you are going to trade on your past scientific reputation then you have to play by…

Have you been keeping track?

Have you been keeping track of the Raptor Persecution Scotland blog over the last few days? On Wednesday they posted this blog Mass raptor poisoning in Wales: police cover-up? and then followed up yesterday with this Mass raptor poisoning in Wales: police respond but questions remain. Fascinating and important stuff – hat-tip to them!

Much less murky

The GWCT, YFTB, The Times and the Shooting Times are all making hay over an embargoed scientific paper which the rest of us can’t access.  It’s pretty shoddy behaviour really.  They should all remove their online articles and wait for the publication of the paper in May. I contacted the authors of the paper today….


When having a go at others it is best to be sure that you are on the moral high ground and not to sink into the depths. Please note, GWCT, YFTB and The Times. Yesterday the GWCT published a blog on their website. It refers to a paper which has not yet been published, and…

Country strife from HoT

We all know that Philip Merricks loves the Hen Harrier as he has been photographed in London cuddling up to one, and so it comes as no surprise that he descibes the bird as ‘magnificent’ in his article in Country Life praising the feckless Defra Hen Harrier non-plan (Is this the glorious solution? 2 March,…