Guest blog – Why so timid on rewilding? by Olaf Lipor

Olaf Lipor is a well-known Scandinavian naturalist with a long track record of engagement in citizen science projects. His previous Guest Blogs here, about three, two and one year ago, were on a Fat Tax, Citizen Science and Pipit/Harrier interactions. Olaf is not yet found on Twitter. Olaf’s new book, Shades of Orange – a…

It wasn’t really like that…

Having done a good job in falling out with people who live in towns, people with degrees and people who work in conservation organisations Robin Page has a smaller and smaller pool of people with whom to fall out but he contines undaunted. He’s now falling out with the trustees of the Countryside Restoration Trust,…

Are you committed?

This is a good initiative – it asks you to commit to voting in a way that will best help resolve environmental issues. I’ve made the commitment. Might you? Have a look at the website and who has signed up so far – very early days.

Secret green shame – in open view

This piece from the Daily Mirror’s environment editor is a cracker. We’ve come a long way in the last few years – can you imagine such an article being published a decade ago – no way. And with quotes from RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and CPRE? Opposing the environmental damage caused by the unsustainable intensive management…