RSPB press release – where those 2 billion trees should go

New maps reveal how the UK could deliver the 2 billion trees recommended by government advisors New research analysing soil types in the UK can be used to determine where woodland expansion could be focused in the future as the UK plans for 2bn new trees The analysis warns that planting the wrong type of…

Woodland Trust hacking

This comment was posted today on my post of 27 January about the Woodland Trust website being hacked and I reproduce it here because I think it’s interesting (and sounds plausible); It’s the same virus that hit SEPA (see, who to be honest are being a lot more forthcoming with informing the public about…


Have you ever had a colleague at work who promises everything but consistently delivers work which is of poor quality and usually arrives late too? They’re the worst aren’t they? They may be well-meaning, they may be the life and soul of the party and great fun socially but they are a total waste of…