GWCT have a blog which is usually asking you for money but this one is trying to rewrite history in order to curry favour with DEFRA too. Phrases such as; These sites are designated for rare and vulnerable birds (and for regularly occurring migratory species) by the EU under the Birds Directive. Your SSSI may…
Time to brush up on bird song (2)
Last spring I wrote series of blog posts, 50 in all, about bird song – we were all in lockdown and people were listening more. The blogs went down very well. Well, now is a good time to revise, or simply start, listening to bird song and getting to recognise the species involved. Of course,…
Guest blog – A call to arms for seabird champions, by Becky Ingham
Becky is a marine scientist who has worked in the fisheries industry in the Southern Oceans as an observer and been closely involved with conservation issues around fishing as Director of Falklands Conservation between 1997-2005. After this, following a return to the UK, Becky worked for the RSPB in Eastern England until 2013, when she…
Guest blog – Ask not…., by Paul Sterry
Paul Sterry is a passionate conservationist and has been writing about natural history and photographing wildlife for the last 40 years. He founded the international competition Bird Photographer of the Year and is a trustee of the charity Birds on the Brink. Ask not what nature can do for you, ask what you can do…
Press release – RSPB, Scottish Wildlife Trust and WWF in Scotland
RESEARCH SHOWS NATURE’S RECOVERY CAN CREATE 7,000 NEW JOBS IN SCOTLAND Leading environmental charities highlight huge potential for nature jobs in Scotland but warn investment is falling behind New research from leading Scottish environment charities, published today, shows that backing their plan for nature’s recovery could create up to 7,000 new jobs, contributing to Scotland’s…