This review is by Roderick Leslie Weighing in at over 5 kilos EBBA2 is stupendous at every level, a spectacular achievement ranging from a continental overview of a crucial element of our environment to the best guide to where to find breeding birds. The big change since EBBA1, published in 1997, is the near complete…
The Well-read Naturalist has reviewed…
I’ve been catching up with John Riutta’s recent book reviews on The Well-read Naturalist. I read all of his book reviews even those that are rather local to his part of the world, of northern Oregon. I read them because they are so thoughtful and so well written. I sometimes feel I’d rather read John’s…
Sunday book review – Skylarks with Rosie by Stephen Moss
This is a book about lockdown and the fact that it has appeared well within a year of the start of UK lockdown last spring is quite an achievement by the author and the publisher – so, well done both! This is essentially a diary of how Stephen Moss, author, broadcaster and naturalist (particularly birder)…
Tim Melling – Jack Snipe
Tim writes: here is my best Jack Snipe photograph to date. I spotted this one sat right in the open and it froze completely while I watched it for about 20 minutes. I crept as close as I dared then squatted to get a low camera angle and took a series of shots. I then…
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell why something happens. Back in summer 2019 I was up in Scotland for a few days and I wrote about buying some biscuits – yes, all human life is here! Going back and reading it again I’m not ashamed of it – it has some biology in it as well…