Tim Melling – Little Grebe eating a Bullhead

Tim writes: I used to catch Bullheads (Cottus gobio) in a small stream near my home as a child, but I haven’t seen one for maybe 50 years.  That is until two days ago when I watched this Little Grebe emerge from the water with one.  These fish are also known as Miller’s Thumb and…

Other blogs (19)

In this occasional series of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some that have caught my eye fairly recently. A Dartmoor blog, Adrian Colston – The Dartmoor Fire – an inevitable event Raptor Persecution UK – Gamekeepers lead disgusting hate campaign against conservationists (1) Wildlife and Countryside Link, Richard Benwell – Environment Bill: the…

Bird/poultry/gamebird flu update

The Scottish government announced today a case of bird flu in captive gamebirds near Glenrothes. in an email to stakeholders the Scottish government say: These gamebirds have never been wild and so can only have caught avian influenza on the establishment. and In light of evidence from the continent and ongoing high numbers of findings…