Sunday book review – A history of birdwatching in 100 objects by David Callahan

This is a book worth reading.  Before you do read it, play the game yourself. What would be your 100 objects that capture the history of birdwatching? That’s what I did, and I found it difficult to come up with a list and so I am grateful to the effort that David Callahan went to,…

A grouse with M&S

Dear Marc Bolland Last year you came under some pressure because  of the stance of M&S on selling Red Grouse meat in your London stores.  We are approaching the Inglorious Twelfth again, how time flies!, and I am writing to ask you to be more open and informative to your customers this year. I would…

Cartoon by Ralph Underhill

  Ralph writes: “Consumer choice is too often only an option for those that can afford it (often a small proportion of sales, while buying better products is undoubtedly a good thing to do far too much emphasis is placed on the consumers role as a vehicle of change. Real environmental improvements will only come…

It’s the salty one

James Cross is the new Chief Exec of Natural England – he is the salty one. This represents a victory of the politicians and Andrew Sells, the NE Chair, over the Defra civil servants. Quite right too. But rumour has it that NE might have chosen a proper nature conservationist or two for their Board…

The Shooting Times – don’t you just love ’em?

I did break the habit of a lifetime and bought The ST yesterday because I had been told it was full of jokes – and it was! As I flicked through it I couldn’t help but notice that there were about ( I stress ‘about’ – my eyes did begin to glaze over) 150 blokes…