What sort of Environment Act do shooting Tories want?

Well how would I know? Well apart from Tim Bonner’s oft-mentioned dislike of the European legislation, such as the Habitats Directive (drafted by arch-lefty Stanley Johnson, remember)(see here and here) and maybe from keeping an eye on what they do… Here are three examples from two shooters, both of whom spoke in the 2016 Westminster…

Johnson flies off again

From yesterday’s PMQs – I fail to detect the Prime Minister wanting a greener more sustainable future in these words;

BTO press release – Europe’s breeding birds get long-overdue stocktake

Europe’s breeding birds get long-overdue stocktake New European Breeding Bird Atlas, a milestone for biodiversity research and nature conservation in Europe, is published today. Highlights The European Bird Census Council (EBCC) publishes the second European Breeding Bird Atlas EBBA2, a milestone for biodiversity knowledge in Europe A tremendous collaborative effort by the EBCC and its partner…

RSPB press release – marine SPAs in Scotland

RSPB Scotland welcomes seabird safe havens, but questions why Orkney sites are missing   Puffins, terns, eiders and long-tailed ducks are among the wildlife that stands to get a boost from legal protection announced today.   The long-awaited declaration of ‘Special Protection Areas’ (SPAs) will safeguard some of the places that hundreds of thousands of birds rely…

Bird/poultry flu in proper wild birds in Northumberland

Lindisfarne is a fantastic place: it’s beautiful scenically and stuffed full of birds, particularly in winter. One of the ‘star’ birds (all birds are stars, even Linnets) is the Light-bellied (or Pale-bellied) Brent Goose which visits the area around Lindisfarne in winter after travelling from its breeding grounds in the high Arctic in Svalbard (Spitzbergen),…