In what seems like undue haste, the hunting, shooting and fishing brigade have moved on to cormorants after failing (at least for a while) to get a receptive government department to licence some buzzard bothering. Cormorants are an easier target because they aren’t very pretty. Don’t get me wrong, they are quite pretty (in an…
Is your MP in this list – mine isn’t?
The Rio+20 conference on sustainable development is happening right now (I’ve been blogging about it for the RSPB over the last 20 days). Stop Climate Chaos produced a Rio declaration and I asked my MP, Louise Mensch to sign up. I got a good detailed reply from Ms Mensch but I noticed that she didn’t…
Euro 2012 – the political and environmental lessons so far
Sixteen countries started the Euro 2012 journey and now their number has been reduced to eight. Three of these 16 countries were non-EU countries and all have exited the competition. Eight of the original countries use the Euro as their currency (France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) whereas eight do not (Croatia,…
Wuthering Moors 19 – what is Defra hiding?
If you track back to 2 April on this blog you will find that I made Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulation requests to Defra and Natural England. Defra failed to respond to those requests until sending me a letter dated 4 May saying that they needed another 20 working days to respond. …
No worries, mate! Australia grabs headlines over marine reserves and UK says nothing.
I’m a bit surprised that we haven’t heard any great announcement from the UK ahead of the Rio conference. Often good news stories are squirrelled away to be produced (to mix analogies) like rabbits out of hats for maximum effect. This must have been what the Australian government had in mind when making a recent…