Southern belles

The females of the deep South have a reputation for beauty, charm and politeness.  I’ve now encountered a few. The waitress at the Dunes restaurant at breakfast today called me ‘Honey’ as I ate my eggs (medium, sunny side up)), grits (my first time – I was until today a grits-virgin) and hot cakes ((just another name…

On the road

Actually, I did go back to Rock Creek Park this morning, but to a new bit with some different people.  Greg Butcher, the Conservation Director of National Audubon was kind enough to take me birding and on a stroll through the park next to Rock Creek itself. We added to the warbler list with Tennessee…

Rock Creek Park 2

Yesterday was great, and today was even better.  Better in several senses – I was less jet-lagged, we had some good birds and we had some great views of a stunning Magnolia Warbler. The Rock Creek Park Crowd were regathering together in this green, wooded area within Washington DC soon after 615am.  Warbler species added…

Confusing spring warblers

My old copy of the Peterson field guide has a couple of plates of confusing fall warblers.  And they do look confusing. But this morning I got confused too – in the famous Rock Creek Park.  I joined a group of birders and we were looking for migrating warblers high up in the trees.    My guide was…

The same and different

You never imagine your holidays in the rain do you? But when I woke up at 4am local time it was raining hard.  Still a Northern Mockingbird sang outside – I didn’t feel mocked at all. As well as the birds being different – or some of them anyway – we’ll come back to that…