USA moves towards a Biden presidency?

I am very fond of the USA and of individual US citizens who, as a rule, on their home turf, I have found to be wonderful hosts and friendly people. But they do elections in a strange way, don’t they? The matter of selecting a President appears, as far as votes counted are concerned, to…

Gamebirds victory (14) – NE’s got some work to do

If you read the DEFRA witness statement (paras 11-21) you’ll find that Natural England has a lot of work to do checking sites before DEFRA can be sure that gamebird releases are not wrecking our best wildlife sites. If only there were a regular and frequent programme of assessing important wildlife sites which was properly…

Gamebirds victory (13) – the complex business of licensing

In the previous blog I explained that DEFRA will put Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge on Schedule 9 of the WIldlife and Countryside Act – as non-native problem species. However, they will do other things too. DEFRA intends to limit the operation of the Schedule 9 listing to areas that are important wildlife sites or within…

Gamebirds victory (12) – Schedule 9, WCA

In order to avoid getting a whipping in court yesterday and today, DEFRA had to concede last week on the necessity to assess the impacts of the release of tens of milllions of non-native gamebirds on protected wildlife sites. That is what Wild Justice asked for and that is what we got. Because DEFRA has…

Gamebirds victory (11) – what happens next?

Today, in a series of blog posts, I will concentrate on what needs to happen next as a result of the Wild Justice legal victory. But, since there is a lot of nonsense being written about the Wild Justice legal victory, here is the sealed court order which ended the case and which is based…