Tim Melling – Stoat

Tim writes: I was walking in an area of felled forestry plantation near my home and I heard a funny noise that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a growl.  I stood still and watched and this female Stoat appeared from an old brash pile just a few metres away.  I stood and…

Press release – RSPB’s Hope Farm

Two decades of nature friendly farming see bird numbers soar more than ten times Nature-friendly farming practices have seen butterfly numbers quadruple, winter farmland bird numbers rise 1,200% and given a massive boost to bumblebees while turning a profit Farmland covers 75% of the UK making it vital in the fight to reverse nature’s decline…

Gamebirds victory – keep your eyes open

Following the victory of Wild Justice last week, a legal victory not a campaigning one, I have written a series of blogs about different aspects of the subject from the can of worms of non-compliance with existing legal requirements on registering captive gamebirds to the implications for other jurisdictions, and from the details of what…