Paul Leyland – Myathropa florea

Myathropa florea is often known as the Batman Hoverfly, which is self explanatory if you look at the pattern on its thorax. Some are more marked than others, this is a particularly bright one. Size can vary, with a wing length between 7mm and 12mm. It’s quite a common hoverfly which occurs throughout the UK…

Tim Melling – Long-eared Owl

Tim writes: this is a Long-eared Owl carrying a Short-tailed Vole back to its hungry brood that were calling constantly from nearby trees. The male provisions the female while she incubates and when the young are small. But when the young are old enough to “branch” (leave the nest and clamber about in the branches),…

Looking back on the last week…

This week of the year has become a busy one in my life in recent years. The run up to Hen Harrier Day, the day itself, the Inglorious 12th and the aftermath of that day create a fair amount of activity. So, how have things gone? Not much grouse shooting this year? There are lots…