Guest blog – Imagining the uplands by Ben MacDonald

Ben Macdonald is a conservation writer and television producer.  The paperback of his book Rebirding is now available from £8.70 here. Twitter: @Rebirding1 Imagine that you want to upgrade your car.  You walk into a showroom.  There are three models available – all with various degrees of rust.  The showman explains at great length that…

Dear Andy (2)

I emailed the BTO Chief Exec Andy Clements a few days ago (see here) and he replied (see here) and now I’ve replied as follows; Dear Andy Thank you for a rapid response (and your reply will be posted on my blog soon). Since emailing you, but just before your reply arrived, I have been…

Reply from the BTO

I contacted the BTO about a report they produced for Natural England and have had this rapid response from Andy Clements: Dear Mark Thank you for contacting me requesting a copy of the report to Natural England, Kettel, E & Siriwardena, GM 2018. Comparisons of breeding bird population and abundance trends within and outside two…

Press release – Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire moors

Calderdale Council votes to support ban on grouse moor burning Wednesday, 22 July 2020 Calderdale Council has backed a ban on heather burning to save the region’s peat moors from being damaged for grouse shooting. In a motion unanimously passed by the Labour Group on Monday night, councillors agreed that the environmentally-damaging practice, which is…