Dear First Minister – from Jon Dunn

Jon Dunn is a birder, author and more, as his letter to Nicola Sturgeon about the poisoning of a young White-tailed Eagle in Strathdon demonstrates. Dear First Minister, I don’t expect you to have heard of me – though I have to say as a Shetland resident, I have admired the SNP’s governance of Scotland…

Dear First Minister

Dear First Minister and Cabinet Secretary I am writing to you about the poisoned White-tailed Eagle that was found on a grouse moor in the Cairngorms National Park.  I’m sure you’re getting lots of emails on this subject and I know you will read very few of them. No matter, somebody will read this and…

Inglorious without a doubt

A spreadeagled, poisoned White-tailed Eagle on the heather of a grouse moor surely tolls the death knell for driven grouse shooting. Politicians cannot continue wilfully to ignore the scale of crime against nature that is so closely associated with the niche hobby of shooting Red Grouse for fun. At least they cannot if we all…

World Land Trust Wildfire Appeal – help us get ahead of the flames

Do you remember the fires of last year? This year they are starting even earlier. The World Land Trust works with partners across the world to protect land of high conservation importance. Our partners are people on the ground fighting these fires and protecting wildlife. I say ‘our’ because I am the chair of trustees…

Some more reading

I’m reading some more legal papers, but also three books for review here; Which would you most like to see reviewed this Sunday morning (given that the other two will follow)? Normal blog service will resume later today…