And yet another week…

The UK is the country (out of 180+) with the third highest number of reported COVID-19 deaths … … but more importantly, it is the country with the fourth highest deaths per capita of population (ignoring Andorra and San Marino) . As predicted here last week, it didn’t take much predictive skill, we have overtaken…

Bird song (43) – Woodlark

Skylarks have wonderful songs but so do Woodlarks. Both have tuneful songs but they are very different so you won’t get them mixed up with each other, nor, really, with anything else. Woodlarks often, but not always, sing on the wing but instead of the Skylark’s normal hovering flight Woodlarks are always on the move,…

Primates 2

The gibbons were particularly funky. And it’s the birthday of the primate narrator of this series today. Happy Birthday Chris Packham!

Nine years ago…

Nine years ago I was in Washington DC with jet lag but with 7 weeks to cross the USA in a hire car and chat to waitresses in diners. And The Guardian published this piece from me – which is interesting for me to re-read and perhaps for you too. It was a Janus moment…

Paul Leyland – Hairy-footed Flower Bee

Social Distancing Week 7. Hairy-footed Flower Bee. I’ve been watching a colony of these beautiful bees since the middle of March. I initially noticed them in one of the flower beds in my village five years ago and now I watch out for them each year. Hairy-footed Flower Bees (Anthophora plumipes) are one of the…