From World Land Trust

‘World Land Trust and partners would like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who continues to help us save threatened habitats and species around the world. Stay safe.’

Yet another week on…

In each of the previous two weeks there were an extra 36,000 reported cases of coronavirus in the UK – this week there were 33,000 new cases. That is the extent to which the spread of the virus is slowing down – not much! The global reported deaths have recently passed 200,000 at the same…

Primates 1

Last night saw the first of this three-part series on primates, narrated by Chris Packham. The images were stunningly good showing the habitats occupied, whether a flooded Amazon rainforest, Madagascar or the temples of Kathmandu. But my favourite sequences were of Drills (similar to, but different from, Mandrills) from the tropical island of Bioko (formerly…

Lockdown Nature-writing Challenge – closes midnight Thursday

Entries are coming in – but you still have plenty of time to compose and send in yours – by Thursday midnight. Across the world, people are experiencing a shared concern for themselves and their loved ones and many are enduring a period of social distancing and being cut off from wildlife. But, also, many…

Paul Leyland – The Footballer

Social Distancing Week 6. The Footballer. The Footballer (Helophilus pendulus) is a colourful hoverfly that has started appearing in my garden over the last few days. It’s a chunky fly which rests with its wings open. The striped thorax is what makes it stand out from most other flies, so it’s quite recognisable. It’s a…