The riches of authorship

I know how some in the shooting industry like to make out that I am coining it in from writing Inglorious and that I’m just in it for the money. So wrong! Here is my latest royalty statement from Bloomsbury as far as it applies to Inglorious. Lots of numbers but if you were to…

A bit of a slow start…

I was listening to George Osborne on The World This Weekend yesterday and heard him say (15m 43s into programme) that his personal opinion was that the current government had got off ‘to a bit of a slow start’ in dealing with coronavirus. I think that is what everybody probably thinks. And in times of…

Pandemics and Passenger Pigeons

Ecologists like myself often have a bit of a blindspot for diseases. We don’t see their impacts very often in wild populations – this may be a particular failing of ornithologists. But there are some good examples of diseases having big impacts on populations – usually, of course, introduced diseases that arrive in a new…

Paul Leyland – Missing-sector Orbweb Spider

Social Distancing Week 3. Missing-sector Orbweb Spider Paul writes: Sometimes a spider’s web is more interesting than the spider itself. You don’t have to look at this web for long before realising how the spider got its English name. The left hand side section of the web contains no spiral threads, hence the missing sector….

The Well-read Naturalist

I’ve been terribly remiss in not bringing you any news of John Riutta’s book reviews for quite a while, but he went a bit quiet for a time. I see he is back in the swing of things again now. Here are some books reviews by him that made me think in general, and think…