British Wildlife February 2020

This issue of British Wildlife is a cracker – but then, they all are. Miles King on ‘What Legacy for Gove?’ Stephen Harris ‘Stop Vilifying the Urban Fox’ Patrick Barkham ‘What next for HS2?’ Peter Marren ‘Will Natural England Survive?’ And many other good and regular features, but the thing to which I always turn…

GWCT on lead ammunition

The GWCT’s Andrew Gilruth writes about lead on the GWCT blog. First he reveals that only just over half (53%) of respondents to a GWCT survey agreed with moving away from lead shot. The reasons why people did and didn’t favour the move are interesting. Those not ready to move away from lead yet are…

A record February for this blog

February had an extra day this year, but even ignoring Saturday this February was a record for this blog with over 105,000 page views (107,799 including 29th) and close to 18,000 ‘users’ (17,834 including 29th). This is the first February to have exceeded 89,000 pageviews, let alone 99,000 pageviews of this blog. So I must…

Birdwatch – March 2020 – shocking cover

You can imagine how I felt seeing this cover of Birdwatch magazine – it’s a Linnet, and one of those very ugly males at that. Time to turn the pages quickly. Luckily, there are more attractive images inside the magazine. For one thing, there is a spread of ‘local heroes’. Maggie Wilcox was the worthy…