Photo: Luke Dray/Woodland Trust If you were one of the 10,000 people who walked through London on Saturday, soaked but happy, you were acting politically. You were using your freedom of speech in a democracy to call on your government to do more for wildlife. And thank you for doing so – your action, combined…
A Conservative MP responds to the Manifesto for Wildlife
One reader of this blog, who was unable to attend the Walk for Wildlife on Saturday was quick off the mark in contacting his MP about the Manifesto for Wildlife – and his MP was quick to respond. ‘I read it and I think I got to page 67 before I found something I could…
Letter to my MP
Dear Mr Pursglove I didn’t see you at Saturday’s Walk for Wildlife but as there were around 10,000 attendees we could easily have missed each other. I didn’t actually notice any Conservative MPs and Michael Gove decided that he was unable to meet Chris Packham and some of the younger participants in the rally and…
Writing competition – deadline is midnight Sunday
This blog runs a writing competition each year. This year, your task, should you choose to accept it, is to write a short essay on which is the ‘best’ month for enjoying wildlife (or alternatively, the ‘worst’ one). A few rules: Entries should be sent as WORD (.doc or .docx) attachments to emails sent to…
5 and 6 December – are you coming? #justice4henharriers
Our legal challenge (and RSPB’s) of Natural England’s crazy decision to license brood meddling of Hen Harriers will be heard in the High Court, in the Royal Courts of Justice on 5 and 6 December. You can attend and watch and listen to the arguments. The public can attend. You can attend. I’d like you…