Is this the wildlife manifesto for you?

Is this the wildlife manifesto you’ve been looking for? Ahead of the Walk for Wildlife in Hyde Park on Saturday – assemble from 10am, chat and music midday-1pm and then a stroll down to Downing St –  Chris Packham and friends have produced a Manifesto for Wildlife. Although I am one of the authors (I…

National Trust press release

Globally endangered Large Blue butterfly enjoys best numbers for 80 years Large Blue Butterfly. Photo: NT/Matthew Oates A previously extinct butterfly has had its best summer on record with the south west of England recognised as having the highest numbers anywhere in the world. The exquisite Large Blue Butterfly – officially recognised as having died…

A Bluffer’s Guide to Agriculture Policy (2)

I’ve explained (in oh so broad terms!) how we got to where we are with European Agriculture Policy (see here). This blog is about what’s wrong with the current position. Public policy tends to evolve through tweaks and reform rather than by massive change, and the pace of reform is bound to be slow when…

Wuthering Moors 71

Our lawyers at Leigh Day are in regular contact with Natural England following our successful challenge of the legality of the Walshaw Moor Habitats Regulations Assessment (see here and here). We understand that any new HRA will be informed by ‘‘the peat depth survey that Natural England is seeking to carry out’ .  Well done…

Press Release from Leigh Day

Legal challenge to Highways England bypass decision to go ahead Lawyers have been granted permission by the High Court to challenge the decision by Highways England over a road project that would destroy ancient woodland and pass through the South Downs National Park near Arundel, West Sussex. Law firm Leigh Day are taking the legal…