Hearing date confirmed

Our case (and RSPB’s too) against the decision of Natural England to license brood meddling of Hen Harriers will be heard in the Royal Court of Justice on 5-6 December 2018. You can come and watch!  See you there.

Bird Fair petition goes to Iceland

If you signed the petition at the Bird Fair asking the Icelandic Prime Minister, Katrín Jacobsdóttir, to do her best to end whaling in her country (see here and here) then your signature is now in her hands. I was lucky enough to be granted a 15-minute meeting with the Prime Minister yesterday afternoon. I…

Meet me, don’t eat me

I met some Minke Whales in Iceland yesterday.  Some were swimming around off Reykjavik being watched by boatloads of happy whale-watchers (above) but others were for sale in a local supermarket.