I’ve closed the questionnaire on Bird Fair speakers – watch this space. But one of the questions asked was ‘What was your favourite moment of the 2018 Bird Fair?’. Here are lists of answers for men and women separately. I’ve tabulated the answers that scored more than one mention from each gender. This has to…
Hen Harrier survey, 2016, published
The headline results of this survey were released in June 2017 but now the full paper has emerged in Bird Study. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2016. Simon R. Wotton, Stephen Bladwell, Wendy Mattingley, Neil G. Morris, David Raw, Marc Ruddock, Andrew Stephenson and Mark…
Bank Holiday Monday book review: Turning the Tide on Plastic by Lucy Siegle
I knew I’d like this book, despite its depressing subject, and I did. I’m a fan of Lucy Siegle’s writing on environmental and consumer matters, I’ve heard her say interesting things on panels and I’ve had a very few brief chats with her. She would have been the perfect chair for the otherwise all-female panel…
Paul Leyland – Marmalade Hoverfly
Paul writes: If you can only recognise one hoverfly it will probably be this one. The combination of orange and black stripes on the abdomen is found only on this species. The Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus) widespread throughout Europe, North Asia and North Africa and can turn up in almost all habits. Whenever I’m on…
Our Hen Harrier data
We are going to have to wait a little while or a long while to see the results and findings of the long-awaited analysis of the Hen Harrier satellite-tagging study that you and I (as taxpayers) have funded for many years. However, it already looks as though the findings could be the dynamite to blow…